Friday, 15 January 2010

Broken Dreams with Cotten Seams...

They'll name a city after us

I'm pretty much in love with fashion photography at the moment. It's not even really the clothes that make me look twice and sigh, it's the models. How is it that even with their hair scraped right back off their faces they still manage to look beau-ti-ful? I actually think it's because it gives off the whole vibe of being effortlessly pretty and I really like that/ Wish I had that. Wouldn't life be more simple? It would certainly shave off about, ermmm I don't know... a whole lifetime? of getting ready in the morning.

Dancing to the beat

So as usual the music in my life matches my emotions completely. I love when it works out like that. Listening to music makes me want to ooooze out poetry and lyrics of my own but lately what with the end of the world ( geography exam) I haven't had much time. Good lyrics have the power to make me feel almost every emotion imaginable. They make me completely zone out until even a plane taking off outside my house doesn't affect me (well it wouldn't!)

Music of the moment (oldskool list)

New Radicals- proper ninety's feel good music, but they only ever released one album! *Sad face* however the album never fails to make me sing along and feel happy again. Some sweeeet ass lyrics too.

Regina Spektor- Definitely her older stuff is my favourite, nothing against the newer songs but her single The Call was especially a let down because it conformed so much to how music is expected to be. It's not like that's a bad thing normally but in her case it is because she is so different and basically uses her voice as the instruments which is epic.

Thin Lizzy- It's pretty hard not to love this band, I'd class you as insane if they didn't make you want to sing and dance.

Toploader- One song- Dancing In the Moonlight- maybe theee most feel good song ever created.

Sly & The Family Stone- Trust me on this they need to be heard. Woodstock '69 was made by this band. Well no haha but part of it was. They are amazing.

You're my pride and joy etc.


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