Tuesday, 19 January 2010

I didn't mean to fall in love but I did...

And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did.

Don't you just hate people that turn up again after you think you're well rid of them.

Trust him to ruin my night. There I was just about to go to bed and the phone rings (I still haven't worked out how he ever got my home phone number), I let it ring for a while thinking that whoever is calling at the ungodly hour of 23:00 is mad and should know that the people within this house will be asleep. But no, they do not seem to know that, or if they do, they don't care.

He wanted to "talk", talking is not what I wanted to do. I haven't seen him since summer and the last time I spoke to him was my birthday when I told him in no uncertain terms that no, I did not want to be friends with benefits-the creep. He took that to mean I did not want to be friends at all- double creep- so we left it, rather coldly, at that.

And now he is back, or rather he isn't but he is coming up to Newcastle "soon"he says. I'm not letting him ruin the beginning of my positive thinking- he can get lost as far as I'm concerned.

"Everything is never as it seems"



    sorry just had to add this little gem

  2. Hi, I've noticed you used to follow my old blog. Due to some recent problems I have had to create a new blog. You can find me at the link above posting under "tess"

    please stop by!

