Sunday, 31 January 2010

Nobody gets me like you do...

Think of my head on your chest, and my old faded blue jeans.

I'm loving Black Cherry's, Dreaming, The Romantic Poets, Southern Fried chicken and wishing for that happy ending.

I'm Only Me When I'm With you

No one gets me like you do...
Life is good at the moment, well if I cleverly forget about all the work, life is good haha. I love days with friends.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

I didn't mean to fall in love but I did...

And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did.

Don't you just hate people that turn up again after you think you're well rid of them.

Trust him to ruin my night. There I was just about to go to bed and the phone rings (I still haven't worked out how he ever got my home phone number), I let it ring for a while thinking that whoever is calling at the ungodly hour of 23:00 is mad and should know that the people within this house will be asleep. But no, they do not seem to know that, or if they do, they don't care.

He wanted to "talk", talking is not what I wanted to do. I haven't seen him since summer and the last time I spoke to him was my birthday when I told him in no uncertain terms that no, I did not want to be friends with benefits-the creep. He took that to mean I did not want to be friends at all- double creep- so we left it, rather coldly, at that.

And now he is back, or rather he isn't but he is coming up to Newcastle "soon"he says. I'm not letting him ruin the beginning of my positive thinking- he can get lost as far as I'm concerned.

"Everything is never as it seems"


Friday, 15 January 2010

Broken Dreams with Cotten Seams...

They'll name a city after us

I'm pretty much in love with fashion photography at the moment. It's not even really the clothes that make me look twice and sigh, it's the models. How is it that even with their hair scraped right back off their faces they still manage to look beau-ti-ful? I actually think it's because it gives off the whole vibe of being effortlessly pretty and I really like that/ Wish I had that. Wouldn't life be more simple? It would certainly shave off about, ermmm I don't know... a whole lifetime? of getting ready in the morning.

Dancing to the beat

So as usual the music in my life matches my emotions completely. I love when it works out like that. Listening to music makes me want to ooooze out poetry and lyrics of my own but lately what with the end of the world ( geography exam) I haven't had much time. Good lyrics have the power to make me feel almost every emotion imaginable. They make me completely zone out until even a plane taking off outside my house doesn't affect me (well it wouldn't!)

Music of the moment (oldskool list)

New Radicals- proper ninety's feel good music, but they only ever released one album! *Sad face* however the album never fails to make me sing along and feel happy again. Some sweeeet ass lyrics too.

Regina Spektor- Definitely her older stuff is my favourite, nothing against the newer songs but her single The Call was especially a let down because it conformed so much to how music is expected to be. It's not like that's a bad thing normally but in her case it is because she is so different and basically uses her voice as the instruments which is epic.

Thin Lizzy- It's pretty hard not to love this band, I'd class you as insane if they didn't make you want to sing and dance.

Toploader- One song- Dancing In the Moonlight- maybe theee most feel good song ever created.

Sly & The Family Stone- Trust me on this they need to be heard. Woodstock '69 was made by this band. Well no haha but part of it was. They are amazing.

You're my pride and joy etc.


Monday, 11 January 2010

Everbody Here Is Out Of Sight...

The future's got me worried,such awful thoughts, My head is a carousel of pictures, The spinning never stops...
That accurately describes how I feel at the moment. I don't know, I'm just so angsty? I guess. Lots to worry about; Exams, Exams erm did I mention EXAMS!!! Granted I only have one but god its Geography and god I'm bad at Geography... Remind me whyyy I decided to take it for AS?
Everyone keeps saying that their lives depend on these upcoming exams and that's made me worry even more. What if I fail? What then?????
Then of course there's the old issue of I'M UGLY rearing it's head again. At this rate I'll end up in an Ugly Home for Ugly people who need help with Geography. That will be my life.
I'm sure by next week all of this will have died down a little, well I hope it has because to be honest there is only so much of H20 Just Add Water I can take before I start pining to be Australian and mermaidesque. God that's bad. I've started watching a Kids show. Kill me now? Haha

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

I Just Wanted You To Love Me...

I just wanted fashion to love me. I really really did. Honest. OK well maybe not love me but at least look good on me. How can I be fashion conscious when the clothes that are "in" don't suit me? How?! Well I have made a decision and it is one I fully intend to stick to. My resolution for 2010 is to be GREAT. Realistically this probably isn't possible but I would quite like a nice new wardrobe of clothes which is a lot easier to do.
I'm going to start raiding all the fashion magazines I can find that show clothes I like that are within budget and then I am going to go mental. That's a fact. I'm going to blow all my money on expensive things that will actually make me feel not just good but GREAT. That's halfway to achieving my resolution. I just need people to agree with how I feel. Haha Chance would be a fine thing but hey ho it's all in the confidence really isn't it? Yes, yes it is girls.

2010 will be my year to be more confident in myself and if that means wearing tight dresses that cling in ALL the right places then what the hell?! LETS DO IT!!! I can sacrifice my breathing skills for looking good this year can't I?
Finally I am definitely going to grow my hair long! If I hate it more than I do short...well that's easily fixed, I'll just get it chopped again but at least I will know that I don't like it.

The first leap in confidence is going to happen this month when I go with my friend to some sort of model casting (There's no way that i will be cast obviously but what are friends for?- A lot of embarrassing times it seems) So here is to 2010 being the year I find my Mojo!
Moi (left) et Stacey (right) :)

So 2010 is the start of a new improved and definitely more well groomed me! Get ready folks, I'm about to land!

Friday, 1 January 2010

All I Have To Do Is Dream

The way I see it is if I write down all the things I want to do in my life and tick off the ones I've done as I do them then hopefully I'm going to be able to look back and say "Yes, I loved life and I lived it."

So I've devised a list, well i didn't devise it- 100 things to do in your life has been around for ages. God knows loads of people must have sat down on rainy days in winter (like i did) and written one. I love my list and unless something major prevents me from doing everything on it I fully intend to do them all. Fact.

I can dream, everyone can and my dreams stretch far and wide;.Cycle round Greece- after reading Greece on My Wheels (5 times!) I am definitely going to be doing this.

.Get/ Rent a Loft Apartment in Paris and spend my days there listening to Joni Mitchell and eating baguettes/sitting for hours in smokey cafes drinking lots of coffee and trying to write songs.
.Go on a road trip-at this point I don't even care where anymore although I suppose America would be one of the best places. I'd like to do it Elizabethtown Style, I'd also love to go to a Southern State where the crickets chirp all night long and all day and the weather is so hot that everyday feels like the depths of summer so when the rain falls people dance in the street. I want a rickety house with a porch and rocking chair and guitar and a white picket fence and an old VW Kombi bus that I've painted myself.
.I want to write a novel that has moderate success-enough to get me a slot in The Guardian magazine

.Visit a real blues bar/go to Australia/Go to Mardi Gras/Swing into lake/Live on a boat/Go to all the famous art galleries/Document one day in pictures/Finally have a room I can dedicate just to records

There are so many more things on my list. To be exact there are 135 things and I think with the right amount of dreaming and hoping I can do them all. Nothing is impossible because everyday people make things possible.
