Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Just some photos from today, more to come. Every time I get new photos I always think "yes I love this one of me" and then a few days later I go back to look at it or them and low and behold I hate the goddamn things. I actually cannot win lol. Like ever. So I give up trying, this is me giving up haha. There I just gave up (for now).
Where do you go when you're lonely, I'll follow you...
I'm loving; Ryan Adams, Long Hot Bubble Baths, Films that make you have that good old cry you've been meaning to have for a while and that same stupid boy that makes my tummy do flips each time I tell it not to. There you see, I can't win.
We are nowhere and it's now...
I soooo know that sentence doesn't make any sense what so ever but hey if (and its like the biggest if ever) I get a tattoo somewhere down the line, I want my tattoo to say that because although it doesn't seem to make any sense now, when you think about it, it actually makes quite alot. Well to me anyway.
Got the pink boots haha, totally against fashion tbh but hey I loved them and maybe other people will love me IN them :p Boys on the mind I know.
Thanks again people who do read this sometimes. 5 whole followers lol, not many i know but its alot to me haha. I was so pleased when i came on here tonight fully expecting to see same old 4 and no comments when instead I found FIVE and TWO comments. I'm easily pleased lol.

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