Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Tooty Fruity Madness of Summer

So another bored day of doing nothing looms ahead of me but it's all good. Roll on Thursday is what I say! Vintage Shop Parties and Cupcake madness galore. What could be better?
Hopefully this semi ok weather will hold out for a bit coz I actually cannot be bothered to be glum and tired again. Rain always brings on sad droopy moods lol.

My relationship is now officially complicated. So that's great really. Seriously never ever decide it would be fun to carry on what should have just been a brief holiday fling. It all eventually ends in tears and basally drunk times all round. Which despite how joyous it may sound is never actually a good thing. Although tbh I'm not complaining about the technique of trying to forget even if it is slightly deranged and also semi sorta downward spiral of mayhem :) If anyone is going through similar gorgey art boy withdrawal symptoms i thoroughly recommend Malibu Sea Breeze. Yum yum and yum again. It's perfection in a glass with cranberries and grapefruit and lime and pineapple you also get to pretend its 4 of your five a day :p
It also looks pretty darn good too A little like a sunset/rise in a glass and that is never ever a bad thing.
So enough of boy drama coz us girls seem to suffer more than their fair share of it and I think someone should take that up with a higher being tbh.
I have decided that I will definitely be going camping this summer. I'm sick of the same old sights and I crave to be out in the country where its endless fresh air and hilly footpaths for miles around. I actually dream to pop my head out of a tent and just see sheep and cows and the occasional dog walker. I don't know what it is about camping but it makes me feel so happy and calm and relaxed. Which really campers should not feel at all if my experiences are anything to go by. Endless mud treks just to get to the rather rusty bathroom in the middle of a freezing December night or running away from cows and tripping over startled (but ok) sheep. Yes you could say I am not your average camper lol. It's the one time where I actually stop worrying about what I look like because lets face it, campers never look completely drop dead out of the catalogue gorgeous do they? Unless they are fake campers who bring their entire makeup supply and such with them. Who can be bothered?
I have also decided to live my life in a carefree manner. No more worrying about what I look like all the time or if my hair is being crap and wandering off into a mind of it's own (which, sadly, is often the case). No I will be free spirited and Girl of the Mountains lol. I'm not gonna tame my wild ways rather encourage them. No more trying to be something I'm not because tbh that is way too much hard work and often is very unfruitful anyway. Plus when I am me sometimes people pay more attention so you learn something new everyday lol.
Although what could be attractive about an unstable laugh and hideous noes I do not know lol. But hey whatever floats ya boat.
Last of all I do have faceyb-you know that old torture chamber which slowly starts to become your sad little life lmao-So thanks for ze people who have added me and those who have not feel free to :)
Over and Out and TTFN also Au Revoir which I have not said in a while :)

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