Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I haven't though of a title for this blog yet, i wonder if i will have thought of one by the end of this lol. I better have, i hate leaving blank spaces.

Right I know that I have moaned for Britain about all the revision and exams I've had but now that it's nearly over I don't actually know what I'm gonna do with myself. Seriously wtf lol. I'm bored and it's only my first day of freedom. Ok that's technically not true, I have two more exams left-both science-both extra GCSE's but I have now reached the stage of; who really gives a fuck-Not me. I know this is entirely the wrong attitude to take, but I will tell you why its OK. It is ok because currently as I write this Bob Dylan is singing "Don't think twice it's alright" and it is alright lol. Ahh sad how i link everything to music.

Nehoo yes well today has been quite boring. Mainly just been reading-can't go wrong with a good book can you? No-but there is only so much reading I can manage before my brain stops taking information in. I hate it when that happens, you don't need that sort of upset lol. It happens every night when I'm so wiped that it's all I can do to stay awake and read. You would think my brain would be happy at this extra stimulus but oh no, instead it decides it would be fun if I just forget everything I read, so for the next couple of nights I'm re-reading the same chapter still unaware that actually I've read it five times already and that's why I don't seem to be getting anywhere with the book. I haven't had much time to read for the past few weeks, any open slot has been crammed with revision/facebook (I know I know not good) so it has been nice to just collapse on the tattered sofa with my duvet and coffee and just READ. Yes I'm a nerd. No I don't care.

I feel rather rotten today, truth be told, which it is. I've just about realised that It's never gonna happen and that really it's about time I just get over it. The thing is how do I get over it. I can't bring myself to stop going to that place every Saturday, I'm really bad at ignoring people/ being a complete bitch so my plan of just holding my head up crashed and burned so badly the carnage can probably be seen in India. I have no idea how I'm gonna handle this. It sucks pretty badly tbh. It sucks cause all the people that like me, I'm not hugely bothered with although granted some are nice, but the one person I like, doesn't like me and never will. Crap times all round or what? Still I must brave the wilderness of idiocy and learn to become uber confident so that I can just get over this fad and move to the next. Starbucks anyone?

Oooo how fun was Saturday though. Lol you don't know, I'll explain. There was this cool ethnic market going on in town. Lush food tbh lmao. Nice clothes and cool atmosphere-Blissful-better than Topshop haha. If I had any money with me I would have so returned with about a thousand colourful garments I would never wear but sooo look at :D

Back to the previous topic quickly-Bob Dylan is now not helping me at all. Like a Rolling Stone is not the song to be played at this point in my life lol. Even though he is saying "You'll have to get used to it" I really don't want to lol. But I must.

On that note before I go off into some other rant about how band boys with curly hair pretty much suck, I shall toodle pip off like a rolling stone :)

Au Revoir

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